Creating A Safe Space

Safety has always been our number one priority, but in the wake of Covid-19, it is more important than ever.

Northern Edge Algonquin has been closely monitoring the ever-changing Covid-19 pandemic and has taken great care to put policies, procedures and protocols into place which implement best practices to create the safest environment for both our guests and staff. 

These procedures and protocols support our COVID-19 policy, which states: Northern Edge Algonquin, its employees, and guests shall act in accordance with and implement all precautions, as per the guidance of the Government of Ontario and Public Health Ontario, creating a safe and healthy operating environment while stopping the spread of COVID-19.

While visits to Northern Edge Algonquin will look a little different than they have in the past, we have no doubt that guests will continue to have the enjoyable, relaxing, adventurous and life-changing experiences that they always have.

As a nature based retreat centre, Northern Edge Algonquin provides the healing access of nature that is so imperative at this time.

And, in the wake of physical distancing, we invite you to explore the idea that this opens up the possibility for new, different layers of connection. Perhaps as the space around us expands, so does our capacity to go deeper into ourselves, embodying loving and protective boundaries for ourselves and others.

Here’s what you can expect upon booking an experience at the Edge:

A new, extremely flexible refund policy

Prior to the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, Northern Edge Algonquin followed our Deposit Protection & Lifetime Credit Policy which, in short, meant that deposits were non-refundable, but could be applied to a future retreat experience. You can read more about that Policy here.

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed much of how the world operates, including our deposit policy. Deposits for both guests and facilitators are currently refundable at any time leading up to a retreat experience if a cancellation occurs as a result of government-mandated closures, or the appearance of any Covid-19 related symptoms. This allows us to safely move forward with retreat experiences, keeping both our own and your minds at ease that everyone on site will be happy and healthy.

Pre-Retreat Screening

All of the staff at Northern Edge Algonquin are required to self-screen before coming to work, and we are asking our guests to do the same. A day or so before your arrival, you will receive some last minute reminders including some updates to our packing list (personal alcohol-based hand sanitizers and non-medical face coverings) as well as a link to a mandatory Covid-19 screening questionnaire which must be completed before your arrival.

This questionnaire will ask if you have experienced any flu-like symptoms, if you have traveled outside of the country or been in contact with someone known to have COVID-19 within the last 14 days.

An additional screening will also be conducted upon arrival at the Edge.

Preventing the Spread

In accordance with Public Health regulations, we will be encouraging the following among both guests and staff…

  • Use of outdoor spaces whenever possible

  • Practicing physical distancing as much as possible

  • Frequent hand washing and use of our sanitization stations throughout the property

  • The use of face masks indoors in public spaces and where physical distancing may be a challenge outdoors

The only time that face coverings will not be required indoors (in public spaces) is while seated at the dining table, or on your yoga mat.

Enhanced cleaning and sanitation protocols

Northern Edge Algonquin’s thoroughly enhanced cleaning and sanitation procedures include but are not limited to….

  • Frequently cleaning and disinfecting common areas and high-touch surfaces (light switches, door handles, toilet handles, counters, sink handles, handrails, tables, chairs, etc..) with approved cleaners and disinfectants.

  • Sanitation stations with disinfectant wipes in common areas

  • Using approved disinfectants with Drug Identification Number (DIN) on Health Canada’s Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) list.

  • Accommodations and communal areas such as Points North are left to air out for 24 hours after guest departure prior to cleaning.

  • Cleaning surfaces with soap and water in addition to disinfecting.

  • Washing hands between cleaning/disinfecting rooms for 20 seconds minimum.

  • Providing hand sanitizer at entrances/exits and at the top and bottom of handrails.

  • If items must be shared, cleaning with alcohol or disinfectant wipes between users.

Service & Hospitality Enhancements

Other changes to our service offerings will include:

  • Plated meals served at the table rather than buffet-style.

  • Staff will be collecting and washing guest dishes, where in the past guests have pitched in with post-meal cleanup.

  • Use of pre-packed single servings of items like cream & sugar, rather than communal items.

  • Removal of tablecloths for easier sanitization between meals.

  • Use of coloured ribbons to assign equipment & program materials to each guest for use throughout the retreat.

  • Guests have been asked to select private accommodations rather than shared, unless traveling with somebody already in their bubble.

  • Retreat programming will take place outside as much as possible.

  • Dining outdoors when weather is agreeable, and spacing added to indoor tables & chairs.

An Emergency Response Plan

Facilitators and staff will remain vigilant throughout your experience, monitoring both themselves and fellow retreat participants for any Covid-19 symptoms. They will have access to government regulated PPE in the event of an emergency where close proximity medical care is required, and will be trained in a Covid-19 Emergency Response Plan which includes isolating any ill person(s) from the group, contacting the local medical authorities and following their advice. Suspected cases of Covid-19 will likely result in an early end to the retreat.

Still have questions?

We are happy to answer any inquiries pertaining to our policies, procedures and protocols via or 1 888 383 8320.