
Let’s be REAL - it’s hard to stop. We live in a world full of distraction. Messages, information and news - all at our fingertips.

We get it.

At BRealStudios our intention is to meet you where you are. Our intention is to create a space for you - for whatever you need. Whether it be a moment, a stretch, a sweat, or a space for reflection and intention - we promise to hold space for you with the hopes that you pause and connect to your intuition, your body, and your spirit.

We believe that connection is the golden ticket.

When we take a second to pause and connect to what is actually going on in the body - when we take a second to truly feel what is happening in the body - that’s when we move through pain, and happiness and love and sadness and frustration and aggression. When we acknowledge our suffering and we celebrate our successes - we become more present, we learn, and most importantly - we grow.

At BRealStuios we want to have #RealTalks about the message behind yoga, behind wellness, and behind what it really means to pause. So come flow with us, and pause with us - come as you are, leave all expectation at the door, take what you need, and don’t forget to breathe.