Holistic Living - What Does It All Mean?

With Netflix “New Age Cult" documentaries on the rise and Multi level marketing companies flooding the wellness industry - I thought it was about time we talked about holistic health and what exactly that means.

Achieving and maintaining holistic health involves nurturing your mind, body, and spirit through a multitude practices and habits. That being said, this is definitely not the place to have an all or nothing mentality. Mold holistic living to your own family, and lifestyle. Sometimes you’ll be incorporating a bunch of these concepts, and sometimes you might only be practicing one or two. No stress babe, it’s all gluten free gravy in the holistic health world. As the great Tony Horton once said - “Do your best and forget the rest”.

Firstly, we have to talk about a daily self-care routine. This can rage anywhere from “somatic shaking” when you get up to move that lymphatic system - to a 5 minute meditation, to cold plunging - but at the end of the day - we want to strive to create routines that take the thinking out of caring for our mind, body, and soul. We live in a world where cortisol (our stress hormone) is flowwwwingggg - so ask yourself “where can you start?”. What is realistic for you? How can you move your body in a fun/different way? How can you eat more whole foods? How can you practice mindfulness today? How can I practice healthy emotional regulation?

In addition to self-care, cultivating positive relationships plays a vital role in holistic health. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community that uplifts and inspires you brings a sense of belonging and fulfillment. Allocating time for activities you love both with and without this community, such as pursuing hobbies or spending time in nature, helps spark inspiration and JOY!

Lastly, self-reflection and introspection are KEY in understanding your emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. Taking the time to reflect on your experiences and engaging in introspective practices like yoga, meditation, journaling, therapy, attending support groups, practicing moon rituals if that’s what you’re into - all of these things foster personal growth and aids in achieving a profound sense of self-awareness. By addressing all aspects of your well-being and nurturing your mind, body, and spirit, you can embark on a journey towards holistic health that brings harmony, fulfillment, and perhaps a little more balance!

So, what does holistic living mean/look like to you? What are your routines/rituals that bring you more joy, calm, and health? How can you embrace more holistic wellness?



Brianna Campigotto